I printed these cards in the garage this sunny October afternoon for a new friend who literally dropped out of a dark night back in September, offering to help print the 20 Minute Loop poster. I heavily stress out of nowhere. nowhere. this amazing girl came in out of nowhere.
As I was already scrambling to finish carving the second color block and hadn't set the type or cut paper yet (i.e. looking at a loooong night ahead) I nearly collapsed in tears of gratitude. Coffee and scones later sealed the deal.
Stephanie had also incidentally/coincidentally signed up for the print class I taught at APAture last weekend (to mild success(everyone seemed pretty delighted with their gocco prints, but time was an serious issue, as was the sonic boom screek of the sound system that needed testing about 10 inches away from our delicate ears and the heavy duty vacuuming and carrying on at the front of the room. It was an industrial style, yell fest print workshop.)
Green, slightly crooked flora linoblock mine, super dainty beautiful, unidentified metal type Stephanie's.